this week


Often people wonder why we do what we do as the people of God. Why do we sacrifice? Why do we serve? Why do we celebrate? What do we profess? In our second Sunday of our PRAXIS series, we’ll look at the why of service. In James, we’re told faith without action is useless. And then, in the Gospels, Jesus gives us an example of service, as he stoops down and washes the disciples’ feet. Jesus often does this, flips our thinking on what something means. Service is not left to the servers, but the King himself - came to serve!

Below are the scripture texts for our time together.

James 2:14-17

Mark 10:42-45

John 13:3-17

Matthew 25:35-40

Reflection Questions

  1. What one thought or idea stood out to you today?
  2. According to Mark 10:43 what must someone who wants to be a leader do?
  3. Why do you think Jesus and the writers of the New Testament give such an emphasis to serving others?
  4. Why was it such a shock for Peter to have Jesus wash his feet? What would your response be?
  5. Activate: This week - serve those around you and trust that when you do, you are actually serving Christ himself!

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