this week


We continue our four week series based on the book: WITH - reimagining the way you relate to God. We often relate to God in one of four ways: Under, Over, From and For. Living “From God” is about seeing God as a means to an end—seeking His blessings, provision, and power, but without truly desiring a relationship with Him. It can lead to a transactional view of God, where people only come to Him when they need something. Yet we know God wants more for us He wants us to live WITH him!

Below are the scripture texts for our time together.

John 6:22-35

James 4:1-3

Ephesians 1:3-8

James 4:7-10

Reflection Questions

  1. What one thought or idea stood out to you today?
  2. According to Ephesians 1:4 what did God do even before he made the world?
  3. When have you been freustrated because you asked for something that you didn't recieve?
  4. How have you seen others living "from" God rather than with him?
  5. Activate: This week - as you walk daily with the Lord, don't hesitate to ask God for what you need!

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We believe that prayer is absolutely essential to the transformation of our own souls & our pursuit to being more like Jesus. We'd love to pray with you!

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